Monday, April 5, 2010

Happy Easter!!

The weekend was an eventful one to say the least. It started on Friday with a 6 month baby well visit for Colton. Colton is now 16 lbs 12 oz (30th percentile) and 26.25 inches (50th percentile) and doing great. Unfortunately the doctor suspects a rash that he has had and that has gradually gotten worse over the past month isn't actually dry skin or baby eczema (my diagnosis) but that he is allergic to Dreft detergent. The doctor put him on a steroid ointment and I spent the weekend re-washing EVERYTHING he owns and we are thankful it is 100% better! I just feel terrible that I didn't figure it out earlier. Poor thing is a little guinea pig for these 1st time parents!

We had a great Easter! We went to church as we do every Sunday and smoked a ham for our Easter dinner. Chad and I enjoyed dying eggs and playing Easter bunny. I don't think our eggs will win any awards for beauty or creativity but it was fun nonetheless.

Hope everyone had a wonderful Easter as well! Here is a link to some pics I uploaded on Facebook today:


  1. not !! new parents has nothing to do with it, we all get rashes on something new, dye etc, Glad you had a happy Easter, Ham or pork roast !!!

  2. He is so adorable!! I love that sweet face and smile :)
