Wednesday, May 13, 2009

A little Maddog Jr. is on the way!!!!

It's's a boy!!!! We just got back from our 19 week appointment and are so excited to announce we have a little Maddog Jr. on the way! The appointment was one of the coolest things I've ever witnessed. Chad and I were both amazed at all the things we got to see, it's cute little feet, legs, arms, the face, the heart chambers, etc. Our lil' boy is growing right on track and everything looks healthy at this point. We feel so blessed and fortunate.

Now it is time for the real fun...let the shopping begin!!!

His profile.

His legs.

His cute little feet.


  1. I cannot tell you how excited I am! Isn't it just so amazing to see their little toes and fingers? It really is an amazing process.

  2. Congratulations!! Isn't this the most fun doctor's appointment ever??? I'm so happy you are having a boy!

  3. Misty that so amazing to see that little one inside of you so happy for you two.
