Sunday was a rough day. I didn't feel good at all and was extremely swollen all over (feet, legs, hands and face). Chad's comment before church was, "You look really pregnant!" Well, I am less than two weeks out so I hope so but I don't think that was a compliment. I think what he was trying to say is that I looked very "blown" up. On top of his comment, I was also asked by a cashier "Are you almost ready?" Thankfully I could respond that, yes, it was only 12 more days otherwise I may have burst out in tears! I spent most of the day resting which I don't do well at all. It made me realize the hardest part of the C-section will most likely be the "taking it easy" part.
I'm feeling much better today and the swelling is minimum - thank goodness! It was mid-80s yesterday but hasn't reached 50 yet today so the cool weather is definitely helping. The bummer of the cool weather though is that my wardrobe selection is minimal. I refuse to buy more maternity clothes so I will suck it up and wear my select cool weather clothes over and over again. Luckily, this weekend should be back up to mid-70s!
As of today, only 11 more days! I'm just praying Colton hangs on for the 11 days and doesn't come early. I have my 38 week doctor's appointment on Thursday so I will update again if anything changes.
Awwww...Sounds like he's getting ready in there. Not too much longer now. If he does come early you are in the safe zone. Both of mine came before their scheduled date in the middle of the night of course! haha...Wishing you as much comfort as possible this week!