As a sit here this morning in my hormonal pregnancy state, I reflect in deep somber the events of 4/16/2007. Two years ago I remember sitting here in shock and disbelief that a place I love so much and felt so safe in my 4 years of college could be struck with such tragedy. The words "Massacre at Virginia Tech" plastered over and over on the TV were something that just killed me to watch and the world watched it over and over again. It was heartbreaking and still is. VT and Blacksburg are two places that hold some of the best memories of my life and one day I would love to retire there. Although the events of some whack job will forever be etched into the history of VT, I couldn't be more proud to be a Hokie.
Not just today but throughout the year I remember all those who lives were lost and those who were injured in the events of the day. I just pray that they are able to find peace in their hearts and lives. They will never be forgotten.
On April 20th, we remember the 10th anniversary of Columbine, which occurred on my 21st birthday and is another tragedy that will forever be ingrained in our minds. The scary part is that it seems over and over and over again these tragedies continue to happen in schools, malls, churches, etc.
Before being pregnant, I once said to Chad that I worry that it isn't fair to bring a child into the world given the fact that more and more crazies seem to find a reason or way to take lives and that if it could happen at VT it could happen anywhere. Why would we want to do that and make our child experience that heartache or live in fear? I'll never forget, Chad said to me, "But there are so many other wonderful things in life that I wouldn't want our child to miss." And he is right. Life is wonderful even though you must sometimes deal with heartache and tragedy.
As a parent, I believe all you can do is teach your child to enjoy life, be a good person and pray everyday for their safety and happiness. That seems like a big load to take on, to shape the life of another, but one that makes the tears of remembering turn into tears of happiness.
Here is a video on YouTube that my friend, Hope, made for our friend Kim. They took most of these pictures. It is pretty amazing so check it out but get a tissue:
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