Here is a video of Colton rolling over from tummy to back. He started doing this over Thanksgiving when he was about 7 weeks old. I sort of thought it was a fluke and neglected to work on his tummy time much once we got home. On Sunday night I had him doing tummy time and he did it 3 times to the opposite side. Of course, once we got the video camera out he wouldn't do it. Tonight I finally got it on video. :-) He really puts a lot of effort and determination into it, it is really quite cute! Chad and I get so excited when he does it too.
Tuesday, December 8, 2009
Sunday, December 6, 2009
1st plane ride, Thanksgiving, 2 month appt and more!
Since our last blog, Colton took his first plane ride for the Thanksgiving holiday back east to stay at Nonnie and Pop-Pop's in East TN. Colton was a champion flier! Chad and I were pretty nervous but he did awesome. While visiting the east coast Colton got to meet a lot of family and friends - too many to list but he loved meeting everyone! We are so thankful to everyone who went out of their way to meet him!
Colton also turned 2 months old and had a baby well visit with the pediatrician. He was 11 lbs 12 oz (50th percentile) and 22 3/4 long (50th percentile) - he is growing great and healthy as can be! We feel so fortunate!
While meeting with the pediatrician we asked for a little sleep advice. God knows I have read EVERY book on sleep and all of them have differing opinions. He said that typically babies start to sleep for longer periods when they reach 12 lbs. Well, I'm happy to announce that he might be right! The past two nights Colton has had an 8 hour stretch which is a huge accomplishment since before that we were lucky to get 4 hours. I'm not celebrating just yet but I am hopeful that we may have a little sleeper after all. :-)
Today Colton also went to church for the first time and was an angel! We didn't even have to visit the cry room once during the longer than usual communion service.
And another milestone...Colton rolled over from belly to back three more times tonight and Chad got to witness it! It was super exciting! Over Thanksgiving (at 7 weeks) he did it twice for me and I thought it may have been a fluke but tonight he did it again and to the opposite side. Chad and I were so excited we didn't think the get the video camera out and, of course, when we did he wouldn't do it. Isn't that typical?
Here are some links to pics from Thanksgiving and some pics that my friend, Kim, took when she visited him. She has an awesome camera (one that I may need to ask Santa for this year).
Colton also turned 2 months old and had a baby well visit with the pediatrician. He was 11 lbs 12 oz (50th percentile) and 22 3/4 long (50th percentile) - he is growing great and healthy as can be! We feel so fortunate!
While meeting with the pediatrician we asked for a little sleep advice. God knows I have read EVERY book on sleep and all of them have differing opinions. He said that typically babies start to sleep for longer periods when they reach 12 lbs. Well, I'm happy to announce that he might be right! The past two nights Colton has had an 8 hour stretch which is a huge accomplishment since before that we were lucky to get 4 hours. I'm not celebrating just yet but I am hopeful that we may have a little sleeper after all. :-)
Today Colton also went to church for the first time and was an angel! We didn't even have to visit the cry room once during the longer than usual communion service.
And another milestone...Colton rolled over from belly to back three more times tonight and Chad got to witness it! It was super exciting! Over Thanksgiving (at 7 weeks) he did it twice for me and I thought it may have been a fluke but tonight he did it again and to the opposite side. Chad and I were so excited we didn't think the get the video camera out and, of course, when we did he wouldn't do it. Isn't that typical?
Here are some links to pics from Thanksgiving and some pics that my friend, Kim, took when she visited him. She has an awesome camera (one that I may need to ask Santa for this year). (under Baby Colton)
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
6 1/2 weeks!
Since we are traveling back east for Thanksgiving via airplane, the pediatrician recommended that Colton get his 1st round of immunizations before we leave. Typically they are given at the 8 week well check-up but can be given as early as 6 weeks so he went today. He did so great! He did scream but it was short lived and soon forgotten once Chad picked up. In all honesty, I was probably more traumatized! Today he weighed 10lbs 10oz! He is growing so fast, it is just hard to believe!
Here are some pics I've taken this month:
We will be back east for 10 days. I'm definitely a little stressed about packing for 10 days for myself and a 7 week old, but I keep reminding myself that if I forget it we can buy it! And I'm just praying that Colton is a good little airplane passenger. He flew a bunch in utero so hopefully it will be familiar to him. :-) Please say a little pray for us (or the passengers around us!) If you are back east, we hope to see you while we are in! I will blog about our adventure when we return.
Happy Thanksgiving! We sure do have a lot to be thankful for this year!
Monday, November 2, 2009
October Snow Storm, Halloween and More...
Keeping up with this blog is proving to be more challenging than I expected! I'm hoping as Colton and I get a better routine it will be easier but until then please bear with me.
Last week we got the biggest October snow storm in Denver in 10 years! It snowed for 2 days totalling almost 2 feet of snow! For all you southeasterns, we aren't still snowed in and life still went on pretty much as planned. Of course, Colton and I were snowed in but Chad still went to work and grocery stores still had milk and bread. This pic was taken some time on day 2 of the storm but doesn't show the final accumulation.
The snow didn't stop Halloween, in fact, we had more little trick-or-treaters this year than ever before. Of course, by Saturday it was mid-50s and most of the snow had melted but it was a bit of a slushy mess. Our neighborhood is a "destination neighborhood" for trick-or-treating and I always estimate we have at least 500 lil' goblins. This year I decided to buy bigger treats and only give one to each kid so I would know exactly how many we had. Well, I underestimated Halloween on a Saturday night. I had 537 treats and was out by 7:30pm and there were still lots of kids left trick-or-treating! I probably need 750 pieces to make it to our neighborhood "lights out" time of 8:30p!
Chad and Colton dressed up as "Cousin Eddie" from the movie Christmas Vacation and the scene where Cousin Eddie is in his bathrobe dumping his RV holding tank on Clark's front yard.
The snow didn't stop Halloween, in fact, we had more little trick-or-treaters this year than ever before. Of course, by Saturday it was mid-50s and most of the snow had melted but it was a bit of a slushy mess. Our neighborhood is a "destination neighborhood" for trick-or-treating and I always estimate we have at least 500 lil' goblins. This year I decided to buy bigger treats and only give one to each kid so I would know exactly how many we had. Well, I underestimated Halloween on a Saturday night. I had 537 treats and was out by 7:30pm and there were still lots of kids left trick-or-treating! I probably need 750 pieces to make it to our neighborhood "lights out" time of 8:30p!
Chad and Colton dressed up as "Cousin Eddie" from the movie Christmas Vacation and the scene where Cousin Eddie is in his bathrobe dumping his RV holding tank on Clark's front yard.
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
A hat for the CO winter!
Today we braved the cold to visit the photographer who took Colton's newborn pics. I had to put him in this adorable hat that Ashley sent us from her son, Tristan. It was cracking me up to look in the mirror at him! It is a little "cousin Eddie" like but his daddy has one to match!
A video for Nonnie...
Here is a video from yesterday (our 1st day by ourselves) that I was finally able to download. Everyday Colton is more and more alert - it is pretty amazing how much he changes!
Friday, October 23, 2009
3 weeks old today!
Seriously, where does time go?! Our baby boy is 3 weeks old today and growing like a little weed. At his 2 week check-up he was just shy of his birth weight so we had to take him back the the pediatrician today for another weight check and Colton had gained 11.5 ounces in the past week! Babies gain on average a one half to one ounce a day and in the past week he averaged over an ounce and a half a day! I could definitely tell he was having a growth spurt because he has been eating like crazy and growing out of his newborn clothes. Needless to say, we are not worried about his weight anymore.
Overall we are adjusting well. The lack of sleep is getting easier although last night we had sort of a rough night. Babies and gas do not go well together so we were all up a lot last night. A long nap was definitely needed today.
My sister, Pam, and her friend, Kimberly, are in town until Sunday. They have been cooking us some delicious southern cooked meals! I swear I've eaten more post-pregnancy than I did while being pregnant!
For those I've been out of touch with, I'm sorry! I just have a hard time finding time to answer emails, phone calls, and keep up with FB and this blog. I'm sure it will get easier with time.
Hope you all have a great weekend! Love to all!
Link to some new pics:
Overall we are adjusting well. The lack of sleep is getting easier although last night we had sort of a rough night. Babies and gas do not go well together so we were all up a lot last night. A long nap was definitely needed today.
My sister, Pam, and her friend, Kimberly, are in town until Sunday. They have been cooking us some delicious southern cooked meals! I swear I've eaten more post-pregnancy than I did while being pregnant!
For those I've been out of touch with, I'm sorry! I just have a hard time finding time to answer emails, phone calls, and keep up with FB and this blog. I'm sure it will get easier with time.
Hope you all have a great weekend! Love to all!
Link to some new pics:
Monday, October 19, 2009
Saturday, October 17, 2009
2 Weeks Old
Yesterday Colton turned 2 weeks old! My how time flies when you are feeding, diapering, washing little laundry and trying to cat nap when possible!
Colton had a 2 week check-up yesterday and is doing great. He is just shy of his birth weight (he lost almost 10% in the hospital) and has grown 3/4 of an inch. All and all he is eating and sleeping great! Other than waking every 3 hours to eat, we are doing pretty good with the sleep so we find ourselves very thankful.
In the last week, we've noticed a major change in his alertness and his new love for a pacifier in the evening hours. I will admit that I was torn about giving him a "paci" but when he is fussy and it satisfies him I really don't care! We will cross the "getting rid of paci" road when we get there. I figure the pacifier is better than a thumb since eventually you can throw a paci away but a thumb is there to stay.
This week we also did newborn pictures. A photographer came to our house to take sweet, sleepy newborn pics. Well, who would have thought when I made the appt. weeks before he was born that 10a would be his regular "awake" time. My nerves were shot at the end of the 2.5 hr session and I'm just praying we have at least one good picture for his birth announcements! I got a look into what family photo sessions are going to be like...stressful for mom!
Saturday, October 10, 2009
10 days old already?!?!
Today our little guy is 10 days old...where did the time go? Life has definitely been busy since coming home from the hospital!
Just to update everyone, Friday, 10/2 we went into the hospital at 5a for a 7a C-section and little Colton Earl entered the world at 7:29a. Overall the procedure was pretty easy but also surreal knowing the in no time that morning our son would enter the world.
I know those who have had babies completely understand, but there are no words to describe how you feel when you look in the eyes of your baby and you hear his first cries. It is the most overwhelming feeling ever! The love is instant and stronger than anything you've ever felt in your life!
We spent 3 nights in the hospital and was released around lunchtime on Monday. Everyone, including Colton, was ready to go home. Night 1 in the hospital ended with zero sleep, night 2 a little sleep and night 3 a little sleep but once we got home Colton was sleeping great other than to wake to feed every 3 hours.
Chad's parents are here and have been a lifesaver! It has been so nice not to have to worry about cooking or laundry or running errands. Chad and I have been able to focus on our baby boy 100% and my recovery.
Chad went back to work today and Colton and I are definitely missing him. Roberta (Chad's mom) is still here, thankfully, and my sister and her friend, KP, will arrive the day she leaves. The help is definitely 100% appreciated!
I will try to post more frequently. But know we are all doing really great and adjusting to the most gratifying and challenging role of our lives...parenthood!
For those not on Facebook, here are links to pics of little Colton Earl:
Link #2:
Friday, October 2, 2009
Colton Earl Meade is here!!
Thursday, October 1, 2009
Four Wonderful Years!!!
I must take a moment to thank my wonderful husband for his love, support and patience! He is the most amazing man and I have no idea where I would be or what I would do without him in my life. Just when I think I couldn't possibly love him anymore, he completely surprises me and I realize that my love for him will continue to grow for a lifetime.
Last night we headed to our favorite Denver restaurant, Mizuna, to celebrate. It was delicious as always!!
And a final prego (39 week) and black shirt pic for the record....(and by the way, I do have shirts in other colors.) :-)
Thursday, September 24, 2009
It's the final countdown...
Pic of me at 37 + weeks. I haven't taken one today.
Monday, September 21, 2009
"You look really pregnant!"
Sunday was a rough day. I didn't feel good at all and was extremely swollen all over (feet, legs, hands and face). Chad's comment before church was, "You look really pregnant!" Well, I am less than two weeks out so I hope so but I don't think that was a compliment. I think what he was trying to say is that I looked very "blown" up. On top of his comment, I was also asked by a cashier "Are you almost ready?" Thankfully I could respond that, yes, it was only 12 more days otherwise I may have burst out in tears! I spent most of the day resting which I don't do well at all. It made me realize the hardest part of the C-section will most likely be the "taking it easy" part.
I'm feeling much better today and the swelling is minimum - thank goodness! It was mid-80s yesterday but hasn't reached 50 yet today so the cool weather is definitely helping. The bummer of the cool weather though is that my wardrobe selection is minimal. I refuse to buy more maternity clothes so I will suck it up and wear my select cool weather clothes over and over again. Luckily, this weekend should be back up to mid-70s!
As of today, only 11 more days! I'm just praying Colton hangs on for the 11 days and doesn't come early. I have my 38 week doctor's appointment on Thursday so I will update again if anything changes.
I'm feeling much better today and the swelling is minimum - thank goodness! It was mid-80s yesterday but hasn't reached 50 yet today so the cool weather is definitely helping. The bummer of the cool weather though is that my wardrobe selection is minimal. I refuse to buy more maternity clothes so I will suck it up and wear my select cool weather clothes over and over again. Luckily, this weekend should be back up to mid-70s!
As of today, only 11 more days! I'm just praying Colton hangs on for the 11 days and doesn't come early. I have my 38 week doctor's appointment on Thursday so I will update again if anything changes.
Friday, September 18, 2009
Rebel, I tell ya!
We've had another confirmation that we are not in control of little Colton Earl! As I'm sure everyone knows we went this morning for a version (ECV) to try to turn our little guy and he was not having it.
The procedure wasn't as bad as I thought it was going to be. When I arrived at the hospital they monitored his heart rate for a while and then hooked me up to a IV. I was given a drug to relax my uterus and a little something to take the edge off the pain. Along with an ultrasound my doctor physically put her hands on my abdomen and tried to grasp his little head and butt and turn him around. On the first try she was able to get his head down and as soon as she let go he moved right back. So, she tried again and that really annoyed him. His heart rate started to drop so we all decided to leave him alone and let him be! Afterwards they monitored him for about 2 hours and sent us home.
We are now scheduled to have a C-section two weeks from today on Friday, October 2nd. This is the day after our 4th Anniversary! I'm excited and just glad that we have a plan. If I would happen to go into the labor before the 2nd, we will go straight to the hospital and have an emergency C-section. UNLESS, he decides to turn...there is still a small possibility but I'm not getting my hopes up.
I'm okay with the C-section. One of my biggest fears is laboring for hours and hours and ending up with one anyway so let's just go ahead and schedule it and not go through all that! :-) Plus, if you know me, you know I believe everything happens for a reason. I'm certain everything is in God's hands and will be fine.
Since I spent most of the past week finishing up my "To Do List Before Colton Arrives", Chad and I can pretty much relax and enjoy our time together before our life changes forever.
I'm pretty tired right now after the morning's activities, so I'm going to try to get in a little nap before we head to the Brad Paisley concert tonight.
Thanks to everyone for your thoughts and prayers today!
The procedure wasn't as bad as I thought it was going to be. When I arrived at the hospital they monitored his heart rate for a while and then hooked me up to a IV. I was given a drug to relax my uterus and a little something to take the edge off the pain. Along with an ultrasound my doctor physically put her hands on my abdomen and tried to grasp his little head and butt and turn him around. On the first try she was able to get his head down and as soon as she let go he moved right back. So, she tried again and that really annoyed him. His heart rate started to drop so we all decided to leave him alone and let him be! Afterwards they monitored him for about 2 hours and sent us home.
We are now scheduled to have a C-section two weeks from today on Friday, October 2nd. This is the day after our 4th Anniversary! I'm excited and just glad that we have a plan. If I would happen to go into the labor before the 2nd, we will go straight to the hospital and have an emergency C-section. UNLESS, he decides to turn...there is still a small possibility but I'm not getting my hopes up.
I'm okay with the C-section. One of my biggest fears is laboring for hours and hours and ending up with one anyway so let's just go ahead and schedule it and not go through all that! :-) Plus, if you know me, you know I believe everything happens for a reason. I'm certain everything is in God's hands and will be fine.
Since I spent most of the past week finishing up my "To Do List Before Colton Arrives", Chad and I can pretty much relax and enjoy our time together before our life changes forever.
I'm pretty tired right now after the morning's activities, so I'm going to try to get in a little nap before we head to the Brad Paisley concert tonight.
Thanks to everyone for your thoughts and prayers today!
Thursday, September 17, 2009
37 week appointment and more...
It's been a busy week so I'm a little behind on my blogging. First and foremost, Colton is still breech and unless he turns tonight we are going in for our ECV at 6a tomorrow morning. Wish us luck!
I had my 37 week appointment today and I'm 1 cm dilated. I feel like everyone is 1 cm at 37 weeks so I'm not too hopeful that if he does turn that he will come early. We will know so much more tomorrow. I promise to post as soon as I'm feeling up to it.
I had my 37 week appointment today and I'm 1 cm dilated. I feel like everyone is 1 cm at 37 weeks so I'm not too hopeful that if he does turn that he will come early. We will know so much more tomorrow. I promise to post as soon as I'm feeling up to it.
Thursday, September 10, 2009
Breech Baby Update
Today at my 36 week appointment it was confirmed that our little rebel is still breech. I didn't need an ultrasound to tell me that since I can feel his little feet poking into my side most of the day but the U/S did confirm it. Other than that though, everything is great. His heartbeat is good, he is measuring on target and I'm still feeling great.
So, what now? After much discussion with the doctor, we've decided that we are going to try the ECV (the doctor will manually try to turn him) next Friday the 18th when I will be 37+ weeks. This is done in the hospital since there is a chance (less than 1%) that something could happen and an emergency C-section may be necessary. In the meantime, I'm going to continue trying the Chinese Moxibustion treatments and also a chiropractic treatment called the Webster Technique. If in the end, he is still breech then we will know we tried everything and a C-section is meant to be.
I do want to stress to everyone that Chad and I are not at all worried or upset about the situation. It is what it is and everything will turn out the way it is meant to be. This is one of those things we can't control. We will continue to pray and ask for your prayers that the best outcome will be!
As I mentioned, I feel great! I keep waiting for the "I'm miserable get this baby out of me" feeling but so far so good. I'm still working out about 5 times a week, staying active getting the house ready, running errands and still sleeping good except for the once to twice a night potty breaks. I really can't complain so I feel extremely fortunate.
So, what now? After much discussion with the doctor, we've decided that we are going to try the ECV (the doctor will manually try to turn him) next Friday the 18th when I will be 37+ weeks. This is done in the hospital since there is a chance (less than 1%) that something could happen and an emergency C-section may be necessary. In the meantime, I'm going to continue trying the Chinese Moxibustion treatments and also a chiropractic treatment called the Webster Technique. If in the end, he is still breech then we will know we tried everything and a C-section is meant to be.
I do want to stress to everyone that Chad and I are not at all worried or upset about the situation. It is what it is and everything will turn out the way it is meant to be. This is one of those things we can't control. We will continue to pray and ask for your prayers that the best outcome will be!
As I mentioned, I feel great! I keep waiting for the "I'm miserable get this baby out of me" feeling but so far so good. I'm still working out about 5 times a week, staying active getting the house ready, running errands and still sleeping good except for the once to twice a night potty breaks. I really can't complain so I feel extremely fortunate.
Tuesday, September 8, 2009
Labor Day
This Labor Day weekend was different from the past since we did not get to spend any time on Lake Norman. Chad went to Atlanta for a bachelor party and the game but was home early Sunday morning. We had a chance to chill Sunday and then hit up a Rockies game on Monday. The Rockies won against the Reds - yay! They are in the lead for the NL Wild Card for the playoffs so it was good to see them win.
We are one month out from our due date! One month seems like a long time but then I realize it could be two weeks if I go early like Lacy, or three weeks if our little rebel stays breech and a c-section is planned or it could be longer than a month if he turns and is late! The unknown could drive the "planner" in me a little crazy! No matter what though, the "planner" in me will be ready!
Tuesday, September 1, 2009
Chad's Barron's Article!
Chad was interviewed by a couple of weeks ago and the article published online today. Colton and I are very proud of him!
If you happen to be a subscriber, you can read it at: If not a subscriber and you are interested in reading it, I would be happy to send the PDF of the article via email.
If you happen to be a subscriber, you can read it at: If not a subscriber and you are interested in reading it, I would be happy to send the PDF of the article via email.
Sunday, August 30, 2009
Colton's Room
Chad and I worked on the final touches of Colton's room this weekend. The big project this weekend was adding a closet organization system so that there would more cubbies and shelves to store stuff. It is 100% ready...maybe now he can relax and get turned around for delivery!
Saturday, August 29, 2009
34 Week Appointment
At this point in my pregnancy I'm going to the doctor every two weeks. Yesterday I had my 34 week appointment and while Colton's growth is looking great, we did discover that he hasn't turned yet and is breech. I sort of suspected this because I've been feeling what I thought were little feet in my left side. 

The good news is that he may still turn on his own which I'm sure I will feel since he is now almost 5 lbs and 18 inches long. My doctor will check his positioning in 2 weeks with an ultrasound. If he doesn't turn, we have a couple of options: 1) We can manually try to turn him at 37 weeks with a procedure called external cephalic version (ECV) which is has about a 60% success rate. The procedure is low-risk but painful for me and could lead to an emergency c-section if fetal distress is detected. 2) We can try a Chinese treatment called Moxibustion which combines acupuncture and burning herbs and has a 25% success rate. 3) Do nothing and wait and see if he turns.
If Colton remains breech, we will have a scheduled c-section at 39 weeks. Doctors do not like to deliver breech babies vaginally due to the risks involved with the baby getting stuck in the birth canal. Since the head usually comes out first and is the biggest part of the body it helps to open up the pelvis. When the feet and legs come out first, there is risk that the baby could get stuck so a c-section is the safest option for delivery.
Surprisingly the news didn't upset me. I pray that he turns and I can go through the labor and delivery process but if he doesn't and I have a scheduled c-section all the matters is that he comes into this world safe and healthy. Please say lots of prayers!
If Colton remains breech, we will have a scheduled c-section at 39 weeks. Doctors do not like to deliver breech babies vaginally due to the risks involved with the baby getting stuck in the birth canal. Since the head usually comes out first and is the biggest part of the body it helps to open up the pelvis. When the feet and legs come out first, there is risk that the baby could get stuck so a c-section is the safest option for delivery.
Surprisingly the news didn't upset me. I pray that he turns and I can go through the labor and delivery process but if he doesn't and I have a scheduled c-section all the matters is that he comes into this world safe and healthy. Please say lots of prayers!
Monday, August 24, 2009
Another awesome baby shower!
The theme was cowboy...which how appropriate is that for a boy named Colton that will be born out west and the child of parents who love to wear their cowboy boots and listen to country music?! The lunch menu consisted of a delicious cold salmon, roasted veggies, a beautiful summer salad and watermelon/tomato/basil skewers. For dessert we had key lime tarts (key lime is my favorite) and chocolate mousse tarts...yum! The guest favors were little hobo bags that contained all my favorite candies (Starbursts, Reese's PB cups and Peanut M & Ms).
I also had two special visitors for the weekend that flew from Dallas for the shower, Amy Whitehead and her daughter, Lexi. Amy and her husband, Adam, used to be our neighbors that we spent many Saturdays watching college football with along with many other times of fun. Amy is an avid Buckeye fan but gave us some of the cutest and unique Hokie gear that she had handmade in Dallas.
I know what you are thinking...isn't this like Misty's 3rd shower? Yes, you are right. It was my 3rd (and final) shower and each of them were completely different and so perfect in every way! Chad and I both feel so blessed and so loved to have so many people that want to celebrate this special time in our lives. I've said it several times before and I'm going to say it again, Colton is one lucky little boy to enter a world with so many people who already love him!
All of the pics are on Facebook if you want to take a look!
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
A new niece is born!!! Welcome to the world Miss Riley Grace White!
Yesterday, August 18th, my niece, Lacy, and her husband, Boomer, welcomed a perfect baby girl into the world! Riley Grace White was born 2 weeks early weighing 6 lbs 3 oz and 17 3/4 inches long. (I've mentioned Lacy in earlier blogs but as a reminder, she is my niece that is only 6 years younger and closer in age to me than either of my sisters. )




It nearly killed me yesterday to be so far away! I wanted to be there so bad that I teared up every time I got a status update. Lacy really started labor last week and I was hoping Riley would come last week so I could hop on a flight to Richmond, VA to meet her. Unfortunately I don't think I will be able to go now since I have a shower this weekend in CO and next weekend is getting a little late in my pregnancy to fly by myself.
Hopefully Riley and Colton will get to meet soon enough, maybe Thanksgiving. Lacy and I are both hooked up on Skype so that will have to do for now.
Hopefully Riley and Colton will get to meet soon enough, maybe Thanksgiving. Lacy and I are both hooked up on Skype so that will have to do for now.
Sunday, August 16, 2009
A productive weekend!
Although it may sound like a boring weekend, it was a productive weekend at the Meade house in Denver. Chad and I completely cleaned out the garage on Saturday including power washing the nasty garage floor. This was a necessity before I would even consider moving any baby gear into the garage. And while Chad was power washing I had time to pull some weeds which my back paid for later Saturday evening. Bending over and pulling weeds with an almost 4 lb baby in my belly was not one of my best ideas.
Sunday was a day of R & R, we went to church and then headed out to Bear Lake State Park for a picnic and Chad practiced his archery. The weather was perfect - mid 70s, sunny and a little bit of a breeze. Odd weather for August in Denver but we will take it. This morning almost felt like a crisp fall morning which makes me think Colton should be here any day!
Church some of you may remember I posted a couple of months ago about our quest to find a church. I'm happy to report that we've found a church we really love - Washington Park United Methodist. Because we've traveled so much this summer we've had a hard time making it more than a couple of times in a row but now that we are Denver bound until Thanksgiving we hope to be able to go on a regular basis and really become members.
Here are some pics:
Sunday was a day of R & R, we went to church and then headed out to Bear Lake State Park for a picnic and Chad practiced his archery. The weather was perfect - mid 70s, sunny and a little bit of a breeze. Odd weather for August in Denver but we will take it. This morning almost felt like a crisp fall morning which makes me think Colton should be here any day!
Church some of you may remember I posted a couple of months ago about our quest to find a church. I'm happy to report that we've found a church we really love - Washington Park United Methodist. Because we've traveled so much this summer we've had a hard time making it more than a couple of times in a row but now that we are Denver bound until Thanksgiving we hope to be able to go on a regular basis and really become members.
Here are some pics:
Chad shooting his bow
Monday, August 10, 2009
A PERFECT baby shower in TN!
This past weekend Chad's aunts Phyllis and Patsy, sister-in-law, Stephanie, and mom, Roberta, hosted a baby shower for me at Chad's parents house in TN. It was absolutely AMAZING and no detail was left undone! There were almost 30 ladies there and we received so many wonderful gifts for Baby Colton!
A special thanks to the wonderful hostesses and everyone who attended. Several came from very far distances to be there and Chad and I both appreciate it so much!
I also want to say that I already knew this but I think I have the most WONDERFUL mother-in-law in the world. I feel so blessed to have her in my life and know that Colton is one lucky little boy to have such a caring and loving Nonnie. I'm so excited that she will be able to come out and stay a couple of weeks with us when he arrives. We may not let her leave!
Here are a few pics from the shower. I'm 31+ weeks in these pics. I will try to post more on Facebook later if I can get it to stop giving me an error message. I'm really bummed I didn't get a pic of me with the hostesses.
A special thanks to the wonderful hostesses and everyone who attended. Several came from very far distances to be there and Chad and I both appreciate it so much!
I also want to say that I already knew this but I think I have the most WONDERFUL mother-in-law in the world. I feel so blessed to have her in my life and know that Colton is one lucky little boy to have such a caring and loving Nonnie. I'm so excited that she will be able to come out and stay a couple of weeks with us when he arrives. We may not let her leave!
Here are a few pics from the shower. I'm 31+ weeks in these pics. I will try to post more on Facebook later if I can get it to stop giving me an error message. I'm really bummed I didn't get a pic of me with the hostesses.
Sunday, August 2, 2009
Rich & Amy's Wedding in VA

Fortunately I'm staying in NC all week but unfortunately Chad had to go back to Denver for work. I'm working from here and will hopefully get some pool time too! When Chad returns we will head to his parent's house in TN. Chad's aunts, Phyllis and Patsy, and sister-in-law, Stephanie, are throwing us a baby shower which I'm so excited about!
As a side note, last Friday I had my 30 week doctor's appointment and everything is looking great.
Thursday, July 30, 2009
Welcome Emma Jo!
Saturday, July 25, 2009
A sneak peek at Colton!
Today we went for the optional 3D/4D ultrasound. I had heard mixed reviews from friends and family about whether or not it is worth the money but I couldn't resist the chance to see our little guy and possibly get a sneak peek at his facial features.
First, we did confirm he is in fact a BOY! That was reassuring! Second, he did cooperate a appears that he likes to sleep with his hands and feet at his face! We did at least get to see his profile and I think he is beautiful (not biased though!) We definitely think he has Chad's lips but we aren't sure about the nose. I think the "black eyes" freaked Chad out a little - not sure what he was expecting but it cracked me up! :-)
The sonographer thinks he will be an average size baby which is good and the amniotic fluid was plentiful which is also great.
To view a few more of his pics, go to: Then go to "Baby's 1st Web Page" and type the code: r7npfy (it is case sensitive).


Who do you think he looks like??
First, we did confirm he is in fact a BOY! That was reassuring! Second, he did cooperate a appears that he likes to sleep with his hands and feet at his face! We did at least get to see his profile and I think he is beautiful (not biased though!) We definitely think he has Chad's lips but we aren't sure about the nose. I think the "black eyes" freaked Chad out a little - not sure what he was expecting but it cracked me up! :-)
The sonographer thinks he will be an average size baby which is good and the amniotic fluid was plentiful which is also great.
To view a few more of his pics, go to: Then go to "Baby's 1st Web Page" and type the code: r7npfy (it is case sensitive).


Who do you think he looks like??
Monday, July 20, 2009
A Baby Shower for Lacy, Boomer & Riley Grace!
This past weekend I headed to Richmond for the baby shower of my oldest niece, Lacy, her husband, Boomer, and their baby girl on the way, Riley Grace . Lacy and I are only 6 years apart so she is more like my little sister than niece. She and I are actually closer in age than I am to either of my sisters. It is crazy though (and fun!) that we are having a baby about the same time - she is due September 1 so we are a little over 5 weeks apart!
The shower was a lot of fun and absolutely perfect! Although it was a couples shower, I wasn't aware of it until after Chad had booked a plane ticket to head to his parents and the farm on the other side of VA for a weekend of manly farm stuff (like hanging tree stands) so he wasn't able to attend.
Here are a few pics of the weekend! I will post all of them on Facebook later today.
The shower was a lot of fun and absolutely perfect! Although it was a couples shower, I wasn't aware of it until after Chad had booked a plane ticket to head to his parents and the farm on the other side of VA for a weekend of manly farm stuff (like hanging tree stands) so he wasn't able to attend.
Here are a few pics of the weekend! I will post all of them on Facebook later today.
Friday, July 17, 2009
Rounding 3rd base!
Yesterday marked the beginning of our 3rd trimester!! If Colton arrives on time, we only have 12 more weeks - it is really hard for me to believe! I'm hoping the last trimester goes as quickly as the first two. I guess technically he could arrive in 9-13 weeks (or earlier however I would prefer he not come before 37 weeks), only time will tell! Hopefully he will be good to his momma and come at least a little early. :-)
Right now the books say he is about 2 1/2 lbs and about 15 inches long or the size of a head of napa cabbage. His size has not slowed him down, yet, he is one active little guy!
Right now the books say he is about 2 1/2 lbs and about 15 inches long or the size of a head of napa cabbage. His size has not slowed him down, yet, he is one active little guy!
Monday, July 13, 2009
A Baby Party for Colton in NC!
Originally the party was going to be a surprise but about 2 weeks before things got complicated and Kim and Hope decided to tell me since they thought I knew already. I didn't know, but I'm not one for surprises anyway so I'm glad I knew in advance.
The baby party was a blast! It was held at lunch time at a really neat restaurant and then everyone came back to our place for cake, lots of beers, cornhole and boating. The party went until almost midnight! All of our friends from all over NC plus my sister and niece from Richmond, VA were able to join and Megan and her man, Mike, came down from DC. I think there were about 20 of us in all.
My girls did an awesome job with the party...Colton is one lucky little guy to have such amazing "Aunties!"
We received a lot of great gifts and just appreciate that everyone was able to join us to celebrate!
We got some really cute stuff but this onesie from Auntie Kim is hilarious....
Here is a link to all the pics from the party from the photographer, Kim:
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